PUT is used to completely replace an existing resource with a new one. When a PUT request is made, the entire resource is replaced with the new representation provided in the request payload. A PUT request is idempotent, which means that making the same request multiple times should have the same effect as making it once. This is because the same resource is replaced with the same representation each time the request is made.

PATCH, on the other hand, is used to make a partial update to an existing resource. When a PATCH request is made, only the fields specified in the request payload are updated. PATCH in HTTP is not necessarily idempotent because the effect of a PATCH request can depend on the current state of the resource being updated.

For example, consider a PATCH request to increment a counter field in a resource. If the current value of the counter is 5, and the request body instructs to increment the counter by 1, the new value will be 6. If the same PATCH request is made again, the value of the counter will be incremented to 7. Therefore, the effect of the PATCH request is not the same each time it is made, and the request is not idempotent.